Better Business Bureau

Solely funded by businesses who what to be credited, the goal of the BBB is to help businesses build trust.

Scams are everywhere, be careful!

A serious concern is crypto currency scam websites. Individuals will create a scam website, promote it, trick investors, then disappear. Similarly, many e-commerce websites are scams so be careful to communicate with the seller first.

Email scams are getting sneaky, too. Some scammers will disguise themselves as a company you know and send an "invoice".

Visit to get all the information,  including a map-based "scam tracker".

There's no reason not to become accredited,  it's 100% tax deductible! Potential accredited members are run through a rigorous test. Consumer complaints are scrutinized for documentation,  and given a to a business for the opportunity to respond. Even outside of BBB, No matter what/where, if you get a review, respond to it!

Not bad for her first presentation ever, huh?!