Induction Consulting

Nevin Danielson founded Induction just under 2 years ago, but the work encompasses over 25 years of experience. The belief is that every organization can be better.

Nevin was formerly a policy director in the government, correcting others, when he realized the rest of his team should be able to make their own recommendations. Many of those people are now senior executives in government.

Induction's ideal client is a local team of 5-20 people in size. Nevin referenced the Drama Triangle: Persuctor, Rescuer, and Victim. For example, the victim feels they don't know what to do so they wait for answers but they should take on ownership and responsibility. Likewise, Instead of rescuing people from problems, you become a coach.

When Nevin enters an organization, he doesn't force a system or process but rather he asks a lot of questions and finds the best methodology that fits.